
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2018

Darico membangun ekosistem dimana investor kripto dapat berkembang

apa itu darico? Darico membangun ekosistem dimana investor kripto dapat berkembang. Oleh memegang Darico Coins (DRC), investor akan dapat mengakses berbagai macam aplikasi dan layanan yang memberi mereka keamanan, likuiditas dan informasi yang mereka butuhkan untuk diinvestasikan kriptokokus dengan ketenangan pikiran yang berasal dari mengetahui bahwa mereka memiliki semua alat mereka membutuhkan di ujung jari mereka. Bagaimana Cara kerjanya   3 elemen diDarico : Minimal 90% dari jumlah yang diajukan selama ICO akan digunakan untuk membeli aset yang akan mengembalikan Coop Darico. Sesuai proporsi keranjang asetnya, 55% dana akan dikonversi menjadi Bitcoin, 35% sampai emas dan 10% untuk eter.  Auto mining : Melalui penambangan otomatis, akun genesis akan memancarkan koin baru setiap hari selama 18 tahun sampai mencapai tutup 240 juta.Semua pemegang akun genesis Darico akan membagikan emisi berdasarkan kepemilikan saat ini.Kepemilikan a...

Darico is the ideal easy access gate for crypto investors

Darico is the ideal easy access currency for aspiring crypto investors, offering exceptional crypto potential but protected by gold security. Darico coin is circulated up to 240 million. Less than one-third of this coin (32.5% or 78 million of the coins) will be issued to the initial investor during ICO with a coin of 25% or 60 million made public and a coin of 7.5% or 18 million reserved for fee, team, and founder. Funds collected at the ICO stage will immediately buy assets that will return the coins. The remaining coins will be mined in a process each of which has four bits equal to the bitcoin. It took 18 years for all 240 million coins to be mined. Daily emissions of new coins will be shared among holders of the DRX genesis account and will be transmitted according to the number of accounts they hold. The right to receive newly emitted coins will be transferable, along with original investor coins. In the three years since November 2014, the price of gold ranged b...

CIBUS-revolution of food and health ecosystems

Gambar VISION AND MISSION OF CIBUS CIBUS VISION- The global supply chain is very effective today, but in many cases it is related to non-transparent activities, cheating, outdated actions, and so on. Additionally, reliance on obsolete technology or manual processes creates an unwanted gap between manufacturers and retailers with consumers in several ways. Blockchain technology is potentially used for secure data recording and transmission in secure and distributed networks. CIBUS will also bring hardware to the market: high-quality, sophisticated, and intuitive sensors that can continuously monitor and send data to Blockchain when transferring goods from the manufacturer to the end user. Create a block-centric process that can be used flexibly in various supply chain configurations. The CIBUS protocol is based on Ethereum and can write intelligent contracts that are expected to add efficiency, transparency and accountability to the entire chain. CIBUS see...

Wi-Fi World is a global decentralized Wi-Fi network based on personal routers that are usually residents.

Website: Hallo gan meet again with me here who will explain a global platform built by the community. World Wi-Fi Project is a decentralized free Wi-Fi router-based network that is usually a residential router Every router owner can share the advantages Wi-Fi capacity, allowing guests to connect and share capacity and in the process get cryptocurrency for this together capacity. In the end, everyone wins: while the guest user is free Internet access, those with routers generate revenue, and advertisers reach their target audience. World Wi-Fi is a global project built by the community. There are three keys in the chain: Guest User - connect to open and secure WiFi access points and to the Internet and view ads in exchange for free Wi-Fi. Router Owner - provides secure access to the Internet via WiFi guest access point and accepts payments from Advertisers. Advertisers - serve ads that reach their target audience via the owner's router ...

CRYDER - Platform taksi yang terdesentralisasi untuk driver freelance

Selamat bertemu kembali dengan saya, disini saya akan menerangkan suatu platform untuk driver taksi yang terdesentralisasi yaitu CRYDER MISI DARI CRYDER Menjadi alternatif yang sangat fleksibel dan dapat disesuaikan untuk pasar saat ini yang sangat kompetitif dan diatur secara berlebihan pada pasar permintaan. Dalam sistem eko cyder setiap pengemudi diperlakukan sama, karena tidak ada orang pribadi yang mengidentifikasi informasi melalui jaringan, kecuali pengemudi tingkat yang ditawarkan untuk tumpangan, sehingga membuat setiap perjalanan sebagai lelang senyum pada akhirnya, Cryder menawarkan semua peserta pesta, untuk berpartisipasi dalam pasar on-demant yang adil, transparan dan tidak saling bertentangan. MENGAPA CRYDER: 1. Menguntungkan Setiap pengemudi dapat menggunakan Cryder tanpa persyaratan dan mulai mendapatkan uang ekstra. Komitmen 0% kami tanpa tarif tetap dan biaya tambahan membuat Cryder m...